Thursday, October 25, 2012

Disability Awareness Week on Campus

It was Disability Awareness Week on campus this week. I've attended Disability Awareness events in the past on campus but really  didn't realize the significance of the event. I just knew there was free food and prizes on campus one day and I was all for it. This year was different. I'm grateful that attending this event was extra credit for a couple of my classes this year because I probably wouldn't have known about it. I am rarely at the heart of the campus nowadays being a senior and all and having all my classes in the Coliseum. However, I am glad that I got a chance to participate. There were a lot more vendors and tables this year than in the past and also a lot more people getting involved. I participated in making a pbj blind folded, wheeling myself up a steep hill to get a lunch tray and wheeling back down, and a full court wheel chair basketball game. The wheel chair basketball game by far was my favorite. I had a lot of fun, but at the same time it made you realize how much different life is for people with disabilities. I have a new found respect for people with disabilities and appreciate their toughness and getting through the day despite their disability.

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